根據市場研究公司iSuppli和StrategicsUnlimited的最新調查報告,2011年全球LED照明市場總額將達到90億美元,2011年全球高亮度LED驅動芯片市場有望超過19億美元,這無疑給中國LED照明企業帶來了巨大的商機,2010上海第四屆國際路燈、庭院燈暨戶外照明展,及上海LED室內照明展是大中華地區以LED室內外照明為主的第一專業展。在國際照明行業內留下了較好的美譽。 據悉:上海第四屆路燈展國際部買家組織取得了可喜的成績,現目前與全球知名照明媒體46家取得了長期合作關系,如:專業照明設計師雜志(德國),工程和照明雜志(俄羅斯),澳大利亞照明雜志,專業LED 雜志(奧地利),專業照明雜志(英國),意大利照明雜志等。組委會與全球15個國際照明協會緊密合作,有:歐洲制燈聯盟、新西蘭照明局、國際城市照明協會(法國)、印度照明設計師協會、英國照明設計師協會、日本燈具協會、新加坡照明協會、德國專業燈光和音響協會、芬蘭照明實驗室、希臘照明委員會、歐洲照明設計師協會、美國光電發展行業協會等。
According to market research from iSuppli's latest report and StrategicsUnlimited , the total amount of global LED lighting market will reach 9 billion U.S. dollars in 2011 , and global high-brightness LED driver IC market is expected to more than 1.9 billion U.S. dollars , Undoubtedly, it will bring great business opportunities to China's LED lighting companies.2010 4th Road Lamp, Patio Lamp & Outdoor Lighting Fair (RLF2010) and LED lighting fair will be the number one professional lighting-based fair in whole China . and has left a good reputation in international lighting industry.
It is reported that international department of RLF2010 committee had made gratifying achievements , RLF2010 made long-term relationship with 46 well-known medias until now , include Light & Engineering 、Australia Lighting Magazine 、led-professional、lighting-professional 、mondo*arc magazine、lightitaly、 Professional Lighting Designer magazine . Organizing Committee works closely with 15 internaional lighting associations , include European Lamp Companies Federation (ELC) 、ESOLi Consortium、Lighting Council New Zealand、Lighting Urban Community International (LUCI)、Indian Society of Lighting Engineers(ISLE)、Optoelectrics Industry Development Association、Institution of lighting Engineers、Japan Luminaires Association、Hellenic Illumination Committee (HIC)、PLDA、Professional Lighting and Sound Association of Germany、Lighting Association of Singapore (LAS)、Head of the Lighting Laboratory in Finland、the Finland representative of CIE